The Spiritual Exercises in Everyday Life (SEEL) is a
transforming nine month retreat experience in everyday life.
RETREAT YEAR 2025-2026!
Dear Seeker,
Thank you for your interest in our SEEL retreat! We will offer our retreat in a unique hybrid way for the year 2025-2026. We have 3 options that we hope will make our retreat accessible for all. Option 1– a mostly in-person retreat at St. Joseph Church in Seattle (two months- Jan and Feb- on Zoom), Option 2– a mostly in-person retreat at Bellarmine in Tacoma (two months- Jan and Feb- on Zoom) and Option 3-a completely online retreat for those who cannot join in person at all. Retreat dates and details are in our application below. We hope this hybrid model will be a good compromise that honors the needs of both retreatants and the SEEL community of directors. We are happy to answer any questions you may have. We warmly invite you to join us for our 42nd retreat year starting September 2025!
Lisa Dennison, Executive Director | Terri LePenske, Seattle Lead | Mary Gorman, Tacoma Lead
Mission statement: The Spiritual Exercises in Everyday Life (SEEL) invites us into an intimate relationship with God that integrates prayer into our daily lives, infuses us with a prophetic spirit and impels us to follow Jesus’ call to work for peace, justice and love in the world.
The SEEL retreat is offered annually from September to May. The retreat invites you to:
- Develop a commitment to daily prayer – an hour a day is ideal
- Meet with a spiritual director twice a month for an hour
- Come together with other retreatants one Saturday morning a month either in-person at St. Joseph Church (Seattle) or over zoom (TBD). There will always be an on-line option for those outside our region.
Those who benefit most from SEEL have:
- An openness to spiritual growth and personal transformation
- An established habit of prayer/meditation and desire to deepen their prayer
- A desire to be reflective, seek God in all things, and to draw nearer to Jesus becoming a ‘contemplative in action’

Spiritual Exercises

Saint Ignatius of Loyola

SEEL Retreat
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