Welcome Seeker!

Our SEEL Directors and Staff are glad that you are interested in learning about our nine month retreat experience. We offer a ‘personal retreat in a communal setting’ meaning that each person will encounter God and Jesus in their own way while receiving spiritual direction and support from their director and the entire SEEL community.

SEEL is not a lecture series or an academic course on the Spiritual Exercises. There are no texts or books required. All that is needed is an openness to explore where God is in your life and a willingness to grow in a deeper understanding of how God is leading you into spiritual freedom.

This retreat is best suited for those who have some experience and a desire to deepen their prayer life, enjoy the companionship of sharing their spiritual journey with others, and who feel called and committed to deepening their personal faith which galvanizes them to be people of peace, justice and love.

We hope that you will join us on an amazing spirit-filled journey!

Lisa Dennison, Executive Director

Terri LePenske, Seattle Lead Director

Mary Gorman, Tacoma Lead Director


What is the retreat commitment?

We ask our retreatants to commit to the following:

Daily Prayer

Take time for daily prayer with the materials/content given during the retreat. St. Ignatius suggests that an hour is ideal and our hope is that each retreatant will strive for that ideal. Those who feel concern about which prayer form is best for them will be gently guided by the SEEL Director as there is no one ‘right’ way to pray.

Meeting with a SEEL Spiritual Director

Meet twice a month for approximately one hour from September through May with SEEL Spiritual director. These sessions may be done over zoom. SEEL staff will match you with one of our spiritual directors using information from your application and your faith autobiography.

Monthly Retreat Mornings

Attend the monthly retreat mornings that, for the retreat year 2024-2025 will begin in-person at St. Joseph in Seattle. SEEL offers two options- Option 1– primarily in-person (7 times at St. Joseph in Seattle, 2 on zoom) and Option 2– primarily on zoom (7 times on zoom, 2 in-person at St. Joseph in Seattle). For those unable to attend in person at all there will be the option to be online all 9 retreat mornings. Each SEEL retreat morning includes several presentations, quiet prayer time and small faith-sharing group time. While your attendance is very important to help ground you in the Spiritual Exercises, if you must miss a Saturday retreat day it does not disqualify you from participating.

What is the Retreat Fee for SEEL?

SEEL Seattle environment sandals

SEEL Puget Sound is AFFORDABLE FOR ALL- there is no set fee for the retreat. Each pilgrim is asked to make a good faith offering towards the cost of the retreat. If you feel called to participate in the retreat and your application is accepted, we want you to be with us regardless of amount you can pay towards the cost of the retreat.

Each retreatant pays ONLY what they can easily afford so that ALL can participate. We trust that if each person faithfully considers their offering, there will be enough funds needed to support our SEEL retreat. The SEEL Board of Directors and other supporters make contributions to ensure that those called to make this retreat can do so whatever their financial means.

For your information, it costs SEEL approximately $1800 per person to offer the retreat. This cost covers modest stipends to our spiritual directors, formation and supervision of spiritual directors, monthly retreat sessions, and overall planning and coordination of retreat program facilitated by a three- member leadership team.

Prayerfully discern the amount you can pay in ten equal payments. Examples:
– Pledge of $1500, registration is $150 and 9 monthly payments of $150;
– Pledge of $900, registration is $90 and 9 monthly payments of $90;
– Pledge of $500, registration is $50 and 9 monthly payments of $50;

OR whatever amount is appropriate for you. Once you are accepted into our SEEL retreat please send in your first payment (which becomes your registration fee) with your registration form, application, and faith autobiography. The next nine payments are made monthly September through May. You may either pay by check and mail to our office- SEEL 732 18th Ave E. Seattle, WA 98112 or go to our DONATE button and make a payment on our website. We will know that you are making a pledge payment instead of a donation.

Frequently Asked Questions

We cannot and should not accept everyone who applies. Acceptance is dependent on readiness for this retreat experience (established regular personal prayer and previous experience sharing one’s spiritual journey) and availability of SEEL directors.  The application asks each person to give us two references, write a brief faith autobiography and be without serious personal issues which would be more appropriately handled in another forum.
We certainly encourage couples to make the retreat at the same time if both are ready. Each would be directed separately and individually. Many couples have expressed what a gift it was to share their SEEL retreat experience with one another!
Our SEEL directors have made the retreat themselves and been prepared to lead others in this experience. Each of our directors has completed a two year program of discernment, education, and formation. Additionally, all SEEL directors are in personal spiritual direction and supervision. They are people who know that God is the real director and that it is an honor to help their retreatant notice where God is showing up in their life’s circumstances.
The SEEL staff (Core Team) matches retreatants with directors after they have heard the qualities he or she desires in a director, have read each faith autobiography, and have taken time for prayerful discernment.

For further information, contact our office at: 206-721-3518 or email: info@seelpugetsound.org

When and Where Does SEEL Meet?

SEEL involves nine retreat mornings ( September through May) in its the retreat year. SEEL will offer 2 options for the 2024-2025 retreat year and will a hybrid (either mostly in-person OR mostly on zoom with an on-line option every month).  Since attendance at the monthly sessions is critical to participation in this retreat, interested persons should mark their calendars now. The following are dates for 2024-2025 and please note that retreat mornings typically run from 9:30 am to noon.

Saturday Retreat Days for 2024-2025


  • September 21
  • October 19
  • November 16
  • December 14


  • January 18
  • February 22
  • March 22
  • April 26
  • May 17

St. Joseph, Seattle

Tacoma- ONLINE