Those who have made the retreat often speak of it as “a transforming experience.”
We invite you to read for yourself the words of four past retreatants as they share
how this nine month Ignatian retreat changed their lives.

“Falling in love with God will amaze us with joy and gratitude and “change everything”, wrote Fr. Pedro Arrupe SJ. But how does one fall in love with God? Through a chance encounter I found the SEEL retreat. There I met a sincere community of very real people who offered me love, unconditional acceptance and support for a rigorous experience of prayer. If you are at a place in your journey where you might want to know what it means to fall in love with God, consider SEEL. It changes everything.”

~ Ross

“SEEL offered me the gift of healing, and a renewed relationship with God. Through the retreat I came to know in my heart that God loves me unconditionally and uniquely. I learned expanded ways to pray that come from my deepest self. In short, SEEL helped me know without question that I am God’s beloved, and helped me realize my calling to be God’s love and compassion to others.”
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~ Tricia
“The Exercises have become an integral part of my life’s journey. A culminating image for me was seeing “a glass half full and half empty”, giving me a sense that I am invited to live life from a fullness of “gratitude” for all that is given, but also to have room, an emptiness, that allows an “openness” to receive whatever may come. As Ignatius shared: “All is Gift!”

~ Mary

“The grace of my journey in SEEL was to realize and accept God’s love for me, and the unique person I am despite my flaws. Through prayer I found it was “okay” to ask and to share both my desires and burdens with God. I learned to live within the mystery of God’s response and/or lack of response. These graces did not come easily or quickly but slowly unfolded throughout the nine month retreat. The meetings with my Spiritual Director provided me a safe place to reflect upon my relationship with God and to explore various approaches to prayer that were true to myself. I came to appreciate the fact that my time in SEEL was my own unique journey. By the end of the program I knew that my journey had only just begun.”

~ Jan